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Beauty is truly only skin deep, and at the end of the day, it's pretty meaningless if we don't foster the more lasting parts of our identity, like kindness and intelligence. However, sometimes we just want to feel like we appear our best, and for those occasions, there are scientifically verified ways to look more attractive.

You can still believe that way too much emphasis is placed on physical attributes in today’s culture, and also think that the media creates unrealistic standards of beauty (how is anyone supposed to hold down a full-time job and look like a Photoshopped celebrity who has a personal chef and trainer?), and also feel more confident when you’re happy about the way you look. It's an inescapable part of being human, no matter how much you might be aware of this country’s perverse fascination with looking "perfect."


It’s often hard to keep up with our skin. One minute we’re smothering it in moisturiser, the next it’s back to being dull and flakey. To compliment your moisturiser and ensure that your skin stays lovelier for longer, make sure you leave extra time to exfoliate daily. Skin continually produces new cells and, as the new cells appear, the dead ones tend to sit on top of the skin making it appear dry and dull. When this happens, there’s not much point in moisturising. Why waste your expensive body butter on dead skin cells? Try buttering up after you’ve buffed the old cells off, and you’ll notice a drastic change.

 Ditch the alcohol and cigarettes

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Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes doesn’t do our skin any favours. Smoking allows a staggering 4000 toxic substances into the body during every puff, and too much alcohol causes skin to dry out and eyes to become puffy – not the best start for boosting your natural beauty. Quit smoking, and only drink in moderation to improve your skin’s elasticity and reduce puffy eyes. This is a sure-fire way to make you look younger and more beautiful.

Less Talking

A slightly shocked-looking little girl holding her hands to her mouth to be silent
There always seems to be those people in a group or at a party that talk…a lot. And it can go either one of two ways. One; they’re funny and outgoing, the life of the party. Or, two; they say a whole lot of nothing and it’s exhausting just to hear them go on and on. 

Keep Your Teeth White

According to a study from the University of Leeds, clean white teeth are a quick indicator of good health and thus instantly make you more attractive to others. So grab those whitening strips (or whatever method works best for you and your life) and say hello to an awesome, prettier smile.

Purchasing goods online has become increasingly popular, with shoppers often citing convenience.
Purchasing goods online has become increasingly popular, with shoppers often citing convenience.

Consumers can buy a huge variety of items from online stores, and just about anything can be purchased from companies that provide their products online. Books, clothing, household appliances, toys, hardware, software, and health insurance are just some of the hundreds of products consumers can buy from an online store.


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